Kategoriearchive: Mail

ISPConfig reject spoofed-Mails 2

Spoofed mails are incoming messages that use one of the domains on the server without being authorized to send (i.e. the client that has logged on to the server). To reject such mails with ISPConfig, create the file /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_domains_inverted.cf and change the group to postfix: user = ispconfig password = […]

autoconfig und autodiscover with ISPConfig Automail 5

Email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird can be automatically configured to connect to the mail server on the correct ports and the settings for the encryption can be adjusted (especially with Outlook you can easily slip). There is a new plugin for ISPConfig: ISPConfig Automail This allows a central website […]

Spammail understand header and move mails 1

I wrote a small post about how the mail header is to be understood for spam-mails, when the additional lines are written to the header and how the mails with Dovecot / ISPConfig end up not in the inbox, but in the junk folder. The article can be found here: […]

current rules for SpamAssassin from schaal @it 2

We regularly publish new rules for SpamAssassin. Most of the rules have a score from 5. You can use our Ruleset for free. Just add our update-Channel to your SpamAssassin-Config our use our Script to get new / updated Rules. Don’t forget to restart amavis after installing / updating rules. […]

Dovecot Antispam-Plugin

With the Antispam plugin from Dovecot, new spam mails can be pushed by hand into their own IMAP folder. Mails that are moved to this folder, spamassassin learns as spam mails. If a mail is moved from this folder (for example to the INBOX because it is not spam), spamassassin […]

How to send emails properly

To send emails with Postfix, a few things have to be considered. These are either defined in RFCs or generally useful. 1. matching reverse DNS RFC1912 requires that the PTR record and the A record in DNS match. On the one hand it shows that the administrator understands the RFCs, […]

Create DMARC-Reports 1

After the DMARC Records checks in DMARC check on Debian Wheezy, I show how reports can be created and sent. First, we need a mysql database and a user to save the DMARC checks. Invoke mysql and run: CREATE DATABASE opendmarc; CREATE USER ‘opendmarc’@’’ IDENTFIED BY ‘top_secret’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES […]

The purpose of a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record 1

I use SPF records for many years. My implementation of SPF records in ISPConfig occurred to me to point out the advantages again. SPF is an authentication method that is stored in the DNS. This entry specifies which server can send mail for a particular domain. And why do I […]