Tagging-Archive: bash

update ownership for files

To transfer the ownership of files in a directory recursively from a user / group to another, you can use this simple one-liner: find . -user old_user -group old_group -print0 | xargs -0 chown -v -h new_user:new_group I have found it here. There also the individual parameters are explained in […]

[Update] Add blocklists from blocklist.de to iptables 25

Martin Kos pointed out to me that my Add blocklists from blocklist.de to iptables does not work when DNAT is used because the INPUT rules do not access or too late. It should be better to drop the packets not only in INPUT, but already in the mangle PREROUTING table. […]

bash – remove last char(s) from string 1

The last character of a string is very easy to remove in bash. out=”remove last char!” echo “${out%?}” returns remove last char To remove the last two characters: out=”remove last char!” echo “${out%%??}” returns remove last cha or use out=”remove last char!” echo ${out:0:$((${#out})) – 2} to also get remove […]

Add blocklists from blocklist.de to iptables 2

UPDATE: http://blog.schaal-24.de/?p=2683&lang=en I use some blocklists from blocklist.de, to minimize potential attacks. Every list contains one IP per line, so the lists can easily added to the firewall using xt_recent. I use a simple Bash-Script which runs daily via cron to compare my firewall with the lists. Some definitions for […]

Bash – using variables outside a while loop 2

The bash runs every loop (while or for) in a subshell. The values for a variable defined inside such a loop / subshell are not available outside. #!/bin/bash t=0 while read line; do   t=$(( t + 1 )) done < /etc/passwd echo $t Returns 0 for $t but inside the […]

gpg: decryption failed: No secret key 2

When decrypt a gpp-file (gpg-d file.gpg> file) i got the error-message “gpg: decryption failed: No secret key”. It’s funny, the key is certainly there. A simple chmod o + rw $ (tty) has helped. Apparently gpg has inside the su environment a few problems. Sure, you can also set the […]

using ncftp-client for background ftp-transfers

I use for my ftp backups always ncftspooler. It´s a part of NcFTP Clients, which runs as a daemon und moves on request files to ftp-server. The installation is very simple: wget ftp://ftp.ncftp.com/ncftp/ncftp-3.2.5-src.tar.bz2 tar xfj ncftp-3.2.5-src.tar.bz2 cd ncftp-3.2.5 ./configure make make install mkdir /root/.ncftp mkdir /root/.ncftp/spool To start ncftpspool simply […]

rsnapshot remote

To save my data i use locally and remotely besides ftp backups rsnapshot. Thus, the data of the server are backed up every 2 hours on the disc. For a conventional backup it´s not enough – is the disk or the server off, then the backups are gone. But changes […]