Kategoriearchive: ISPConfig

ISPConfig: replace apache with nginx 11

In this tutorial i show you how to replace apache with nginx using ISPConfig I performed the migration for serveral sites running Joomla 2.x, Joomla 3.x, WordPress and some static / self-written pages. The server runs ISPConfig installed using the Perfect Server Howto from howtoforge.com. There are some […]

DKIM-Patch – public key: OpenSSL error: bad base64 decode 7

The used dns-server must a TXT-record with a length > 255 chars if you use a key-strength > 1024 bit. Otherwise amavis reports during the key-checks public key: OpenSSL error: bad base64 decode. If you run your own dns (bind) with ISPConfig just adjust the database dbispconfig on your dns-server, […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.7 4

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.6: german translation for DMARC fixed error during resync add latest dmarc-drafts increase size for txt-records to allow the admin to change txt-records for dkim

ISPConfig – resync extended

Update 02/14/2015 Full translation Additionl options for resyncs Full or partial resync per server Hide Servers / Services with no corrresponing data The patch at git.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/resync extends the resync tool from ISPConfig. You can now use some more settings to resync and also select the server(s) where the resync will […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.6 4

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.5: allow the admin to change txt-records for dkim, dmarc and spf directly fixed fr-language for the resync-tool fixed regex for spf-includes

DKIM-Patch 1.1.5 24

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.4: create dkim-path during install DMARC requieres SPF and DKIM (this breaks the current draft but DMARC is useless if you use spf OR dkim) fixed an error if the dkim-path does not exists add […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.4 9

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. With this version ISPConfig features a complete DMARC support. The required DNS Records for DMARC (DKIM, SPF and DMARC) can be easily created using a wizard. Modifications to the DKIM signing modify the records accordingly and the policy of […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.3 2

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.2: use mail-domain-template from ispconfig-stable instead of ispconfig-devel fixed FS#3726 – Generated DKIM Selector has an invalid format note: this bug is affected to external dns only. If you use ISPConfig to manage your dns […]