Tagging-Archive: spf

DKIM-Patch 1.1.9 6

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. This version contains only a few small changes that were predominantly subsequently integrated into version 1.1.8. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.8: fixed shown public-dns record for dkim minor changes in server-plugin update rfc updated installer update import-script Supports ISPConfig […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.8 13

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.7: for ISPConfig only add CSRF-Check from ISPConfig updated installer for ISPConfig changed config-file-check to prevent saving the keys in the wrong file if a single amavis-config-file exists after upgrading to a “split-config”

DKIM-Patch 1.1.7 4

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.6: german translation for DMARC fixed error during resync add latest dmarc-drafts increase size for txt-records to allow the admin to change txt-records for dkim

Create DMARC-Reports 1

After the DMARC Records checks in DMARC check on Debian Wheezy, I show how reports can be created and sent. First, we need a mysql database and a user to save the DMARC checks. Invoke mysql and run: CREATE DATABASE opendmarc; CREATE USER ‘opendmarc’@’’ IDENTFIED BY ‘top_secret’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.6 4

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.5: allow the admin to change txt-records for dkim, dmarc and spf directly fixed fr-language for the resync-tool fixed regex for spf-includes

DMARC check on Debian Wheezy 16

I have already described in DMARC Record (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance), how to set up a DMARC record and why this makes sense. Now we need to pay attention to such DMARC record in the delivery of mail. The verification of a DMARC Records requires valid SPF and […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.5 24

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.4: create dkim-path during install DMARC requieres SPF and DKIM (this breaks the current draft but DMARC is useless if you use spf OR dkim) fixed an error if the dkim-path does not exists add […]

The purpose of a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record 1

I use SPF records for many years. My implementation of SPF records in ISPConfig occurred to me to point out the advantages again. SPF is an authentication method that is stored in the DNS. This entry specifies which server can send mail for a particular domain. And why do I […]