Tagging-Archive: master

secure MySQL-replication with ssl 1

To secure replication over ssl, mysql must support ssl. mysql -u root -p show variables like ‘%ssl%’; If the result looks like this ssl is not configured yet. have_openssl DISABLED have_ssl DISABLED ssl_ca ssl_capath ssl_cert ssl_cipher ssl_key First, the directory for the ssl-keystore is created on both servers. mkdir -p […]

ISPConfig Cluster-Setup could crash the MySQL-replication 1

First note: what I describe here is not an Bug in ISPConfig, but rather a concatenation of unfortunate circumstances. If you have two ore more database-servers in ISPConfig and they are also running in a mysql-replication (what is conventional), in certain circumstances the mysql-replication could crash with an error 1007 […]

secure MySQL-replication with stunnel 2

I use stunnel to secure my MySQL-replication. MySQL itself offers SSH, but it´s not so simple to install. If stunnel works on your sytsme, you can use it for much more daemons/ports (secure imap, pop3, http). With stunnel only the remote connects to the master server use the tunnel. Local […]

Use nagios to monitor a mysql-replication 2

I´ve already pointed out here, that you can easily restart a replication. But you have to know that the replication isn´t working. Instead of continuously typing “CHECK SLAVE STATUS\G” in mysql i´ve decided to use nagios for that. If something is wrong, i get a mail and a notification in […]

restart mysql master-master replication 6

If the mysql-replication is broken, there are two ways to fix the problem: skip the error rebuild the replication In some cases you could easily skip error. If you for example execute the same INSERT on both server. Skip the error Login into mysql as root: STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL […]

mysql master-master-replication 1

In contrast to a master-slave replication in a master-master replication changes made on one server are immediately available on both. The setup of a master-master-replication is similar to a master-slave-replication. I show here only the differences (for the basics see mysql master-slave-replication). In the following to old master remains as […]

mysql master-slave-replication 1

In a master-slave replication on the slave are the databases of the master 1:1 available. Changes performerd on the master are immediately available on the slave (as long as you don´t user master_delay). Thus, it is not a true backup solution. Master setup: Change the section [mysqld] in /etc/my.cnf. Make […]