Tagging-Archive: amavisd

DKIM-Patch – public key: OpenSSL error: bad base64 decode 7

The used dns-server must a TXT-record with a length > 255 chars if you use a key-strength > 1024 bit. Otherwise amavis reports during the key-checks public key: OpenSSL error: bad base64 decode. If you run your own dns (bind) with ISPConfig just adjust the database dbispconfig on your dns-server, […]

DKIM-Patch 1.0 3

The final version of the DKIM patch for ISPConfig is available now. I deliberately raised the version to 1.0 because the patch contains now all functions to effectively and automatically use DKIM with ISPConfig. The main change is that the DNS record is created automatically by ISPConfig when for a […]

ISPConfig – DKIM-Patch 1.0 163

This Setup is for dkim-patch >= 1.0 only. For older versions please see here. Features full DKIM support different strengths DKIM keys up to 4096 bits automatic update of domain-key records in the DNS Updating the DKIM keys at any time (automatic update of the selectors and the DNS zone) […]

DKIM-Patch 0.3.2 1

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.3.1: translated some more french language-files to fr. Thanks to d.simpson@culturedordogne.fr fixed an issue when using the dns_wizard as a reseller or a client under a reseller

DKIM-Patch 0.3.1 4

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.3.0: re-add dkim to rsync-tool

DKIM-Patch 0.3.0 5

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.2.5: add definable dkim-selector use 60-dkim for the key-definitions on systems with seperated amavisd-configs like debian and ubuntu avoid duplicate keys with different selectors. prevent restarting amavis more then one time. simplify the dkim-entry in […]

DKIM-Patch 0.2.3

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.2.2: 2013-10-11 skip writing dkim-values for inactive domains removed the public-dkim-key from the interface; the dns-record will be created within the dns-module. there is no need to display the public-key anymore. the public-key is also […]

ISPConfig – DKIM-Patch 57

This setup ist for dkim-patch up to 0.4.1. For newer versions please see here. I have already described how a DKIM key can insert into amavis with ISCPonfig automatically. While the former solution works, but is not controllable via the interface and thus also not apply to customers / clients […]