rsnapshot remote

To save my data i use locally and remotely besides ftp backups rsnapshot. Thus, the data of the server are backed up every 2 hours on the disc. For a conventional backup it´s not enough – is the disk or the server off, then the backups are gone. But changes […]

Apache anonymisieren

In the apache access.log all ip addresses are stored complete. This is neither necessary for statistcs nor it´s needed to store these data. IPv4 addresses can be quite simple anonymous, if the last part is changed. I.e. goes to The most statistic-tools can handle the data furthermore. As […]

imapsync with OpenSuSE 11.4

Imapsync itself is a great tool. I find the price of 42.00 EUR bit high to have to move “only just” quickly a mailbox with a few hunder MB. Thanks to google the problem is solved…. zypper ar perl zypper ar imapsync zypper ref zypper in imapsync perl-Date-Manip […]

Block outdated clients 1

There can be problems with the destination file. A solution can be found in the post handle xt_recent from syslog-ng. Due to numerous connects of outdated clients on my clamav-mirror (> 300,000 / day), i add single IP temporarily to the firewall. Requirements: Apache HTTP-Server syslog-ng iptables Configure Apache HTTP-Server The Access […]

Apache without static content

Most log entries when using CMS you actually need and they do not prevent the view of the more essential. The whole can be relatively easily prevented by an entry in each vhost: SetEnvIf Request_URI “\ (txt | jpg | png | gif | ico | js | css | […]