Yearly Archives: 2012

limit traffic on clamav-mirror 1

I´m running a mirror for clamav. Since some clients always download the main.cvd instead of diffs and that results in a traffic up to 150 MB per day for each client. So i searched for a solution, to reduce the current monthly traffic of ~2TB. Fortunately apache sends already the […]

merry x-mas

I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 2013.

add dkim_key to amavisd.conf from ISPConfig 3

Update: ISPConfig – DKIM-Patch I’ve just blocked the sending of emails for a domain. Only short listed in ISPConfig a new domain and mailbox created, used the dns wizard to create the dns records. works as expacted? fault! The first sent mail returned due to a spf-error. SPF is on […]

Nagios-plugin for Hetzner FTP-Space

The robot of Hetzner`s, but I would monitor the utilization of the backup space with Nagios. My plugin for nagios requieres sftp for the ftp-server access. The setup for sftp ist documented very well here. The plugin is very quick&dirty and doesn´t match the requirements for nagios completly, but it […]

pattern-database for syslog-ng

The pattern-db of syslog-ng is extremely convenient to divide individual messages or to highlight specific messages. As long as a message fits into a certain pattern, it can be marked with a tag that can then be used in the syslog-ng.conf. For example: <patterns> <pattern>Accepted publickey for @STRING:.sys.ssh.user@ from @IPv4:.sys.ssh.ip@ […]

view different logs with multitail at once

I’ve recently discovered multitail for me. This allows the view of different logfiles simultaneously in fixed places. Previously I have used tail -f /var/log/a.log /var/log/b.log This works well but you have to be extremely careful which log it has just changed. Multitail is much better for this task. An accurate […]

redirect ports to remote

To redirect traffic from one port, you can either use iptables PREROUTING or – if need be only tcp – also rinted. Rinetd has the advantage that the setup is simpler. You only have to adjust the settings in /etc/rinetd.conf. To redirect. http and https: #source port destination port […]

Apache bandwidth limit

my english version Durch mod_cband lässt sich die verfügbare Bandbreite von Apache nach verschiedenen Kriterien drosseln. Das Modul kann von oder auch von heruntergeladen werden. Zum Installieren reicht wie üblich ./configure make make install Voraussetzung ist aber das APache eXtenSion tool. Die meisten Distributionen bieten mod_cband aber auch […]