Kategoriearchive: php

ISPConfig – Force Client Usernames To Lowercase 1

This is a quick fix for a Feature Request. If you want all usernames converted to lowercases, just create the file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins/clients_plugin.inc.php with the following content: And set the permissions chown ispconfig.ispconfig /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins/clients_plugin.inc.php chmod 750 /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins/clients_plugin.inc.php You have to logout from ISPConfig and re-login to make use of the plugin.

Hetzner – copy IPv6 Reverse-DNS

You can continue to use the old IPv4 subnet with a new server at Hetzner. With IPv6, it does not work unfortunately. Although I do not understand why I can keep all IPv4 (subnet and / or single), but not the IPv6 addresses. It’s annoying when you have to change […]

ISPConfig – resync extended

Update 02/14/2015 Full translation Additionl options for resyncs Full or partial resync per server Hide Servers / Services with no corrresponing data The patch at git.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/resync extends the resync tool from ISPConfig. You can now use some more settings to resync and also select the server(s) where the resync will […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.5 24

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 1.1.4: create dkim-path during install DMARC requieres SPF and DKIM (this breaks the current draft but DMARC is useless if you use spf OR dkim) fixed an error if the dkim-path does not exists add […]

Report Spam comments from WordPress to blocklist.de

The script wp-spamreport.php (as a download here in my git) reports at any time the spam comments of the last 48 hours to blocklist.de. It does not matter when a comment was marked as spam (manually or automatically by example Antispam Bee), but only that the comments are posted in […]

php-class for blocklist.de

I have developed a PHP class to call the API from blocklist.de. Reports can be created and sent in PHP. $log = $blocklist->create_http_log($ip, $date); $log .= “\n\n”.$blocklist->create_comment(‘Spam-Comment’, $comment, $mail); $report = $blocklist->send_report($ip, ‘badbots’, $log); The last entries are very easy to query: $last_added = $blocklist->get_last_added(‘-60s’); or $last_added = $blocklist->get_last_added(‘-1m’, ‘badbots’); […]

DKIM-Patch 1.1.4 9

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. With this version ISPConfig features a complete DMARC support. The required DNS Records for DMARC (DKIM, SPF and DMARC) can be easily created using a wizard. Modifications to the DKIM signing modify the records accordingly and the policy of […]

DKIM-Patch 0.2.4 2

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.2.3: add the DNS-entry for the public-key to the interface add DKIM-Keys to the resync-tool code-review of the server-plugin better variable quoting in sql queries