Kategoriearchive: Scripts

temporarily suspend mail delivery to a specific domain

With postfix and cron delivery of new mail messages may be certain times quite easily prevented. It can for example be prevent from that emails are delivered via push to inopportune times to a user. Add a hash-table in /etc/postfix/main.cf to smtpd_recipient_restrictions: check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/hold In the file /etc/postfix/hold all domains […]

DKIM-Patch 0.2.4 2

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.2.3: add the DNS-entry for the public-key to the interface add DKIM-Keys to the resync-tool code-review of the server-plugin better variable quoting in sql queries

DKIM-Patch 0.2.3

A new version of the DKIM-Patch for ISPConfig is available now. Download: DKIM-Patch Changes to 0.2.2: 2013-10-11 skip writing dkim-values for inactive domains removed the public-dkim-key from the interface; the dns-record will be created within the dns-module. there is no need to display the public-key anymore. the public-key is also […]

WordPress 3.6.2 and qtranslate

Worpress 3.6.2. doesn´t work with qTranslate. The plugin is always disabled and the current version will not be accepted. There is the option to activate the plugin yet, but this will not work correctly. There is a simple workaround. wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/qtranslate.php die Zeile 90 wie folgt ändern: define(‘QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION’, ‘3.6’); http://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-work-on-wp-36

[Update] Add blocklists from blocklist.de to iptables 25

Martin Kos pointed out to me that my Add blocklists from blocklist.de to iptables does not work when DNAT is used because the INPUT rules do not access or too late. It should be better to drop the packets not only in INPUT, but already in the mangle PREROUTING table. […]

stop DNS replication in a ISPConfig cluster

The following post refers to http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62702 When using several servers for web and / or mail, all must each be recorded in the DNS. But if one server fails, the DNS entries have to be adjusted accordingly; a round-robin DNS solution leads to timeouts, too. If only the local IP […]

ISPConfig – Remove mount –bind lines from df output in monitor

To remove the mount – -bind lines from df output in the monitor, only minor changes are needed. before after You must change only a few lines in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/monitor_tools.inc.php. Line 477 (direct after public function monitorDiskUsage() {: from global $conf; to global $app,$conf; Change line 488 from $dfData = shell_exec(‘df […]

ISPConfig – DKIM-Patch 57

This setup ist for dkim-patch up to 0.4.1. For newer versions please see here. I have already described how a DKIM key can insert into amavis with ISCPonfig automatically. While the former solution works, but is not controllable via the interface and thus also not apply to customers / clients […]